
Dota Hotkeys H+

Dota 1 Heroes Hotkeys

Can't find DoTa hotkeys for windows 7? Well this is a perfect video for you. Just download the hotkey. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?qu0k7f400h. INVENTORY A+ (Dota Hotkeys) J H A Y W O R L D. Capslock still functions for this, also. I’ve removed the “Tabs” function from the middle mouse scroll so. You can scroll your middle mouse button to tab through unit selections. Added option for disabling the windows key in Warcraft III, on by default. Added a timer to the HP bars. Writes all your hotkeys to an 'Invoker.ini' file and reads from it so that your custom shortcuts are saved for future usage. NOTE: You must have all of Invokers spells mapped to a hotkey or another IN YOUR CUSTOMKEYS.TXT FILE.


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Scripts - Invoker (beta)
Hello! After many hours of scripting, this is my attempt to harness the power of Invoker. To simplify what it does, it reads your customkeys.txt file, finds all of your shortcuts and uses them. As well, you can set custom shortcuts that will automate invoking and using his spells. There are several bugs still that I have to work out, but what I have so far I felt was worth sharing.
Already Noted Bugs:
- if the user uses Alt shortcuts, it sometime presses / activates Warcraft's integrated Alt shortcuts. Ex. Alt-h = help file.
- if a spell is invoked while Invoke is in cooldown, the script thinks that it has been invoked and thus doesn't automate it. To get around this, simply don't invoke spells while Invoke is on cd.
If you find any more bugs, email a description of it to admin@dotakey.com or post it in the email box under the Contact tab.
The exe to run this script can be found here.
Some Info on how to run this script. It will ask you for the path to your customkeys.txt file if it isn't found automatically.
- pressing Wex, Quas or Exort will press each 3 times, thus maximizing your 'powerballs' and moving quickly between AS/MS, regen or extra damage.
- pressing Capslock disables the above feature if you wish to play Invoker normally.
- pressing Shift+Capslock will tell the script that you have learned Invoke lvl 2, and change the behaviour of invoking so as to minimize the number of Invokes (if a spell is already invoked, doens't invoke it but rather presses the shortcut keys.
- writes all your hotkeys to an 'Invoker.ini' file and reads from it so that your custom shortcuts are saved for future usage.
NOTE: You must have all of Invokers spells mapped to a hotkey or another IN YOUR CUSTOMKEYS.TXT FILE. If this is not true, download the one provided on this site or generate your own.


#HotkeyInterval 0
SetBatchLines, -1
#IfWinActive ahk_class Warcraft III
SetKeyDelay -1,-1
;Add Tray Options
Menu, tray, NoStandard
Menu, tray, add

CommonPath1 = C:Program FilesWarcraft IIICustomKeys.txt;Several Common Paths to your Warcraft Folder.
CommonPath2 = E:Program FilesWarcraft IIICustomKeys.txt;Also serves as examples of how to paste path.
CommonPath3 = C:x86Program FilesWarcraft IIICustomKeys.txt
CommonPath4 = C:x64Program FilesWarcraft IIICustomKeys.txt
CommonPath5 = C:Program FilesGamesWarcraft IIICustomKeys.txt ; <- Mine :P
HotKey1 = Sun Strike
HotKey3 = Forge Spirit
HotKey5 = Ghost Walk
HotKey7 = Alacrity
HotKey9 = EMP

Spell2 = ChaosMeteor
Spell4 = ColdSnap
Spell6 = IceWall
Spell8 = Tornado
Spell10 = DefeaningBlast
Name1 = SunStrike
Name3 = ForgeSpirit
Name5 = GhostWalk
Name7 = Alacrity
Name9 = EMP

Lvl2InvokeEnabled := 0
LastInvSunStrike := 0
LastInvForgeSpirit := 0
LastInvGhostWalk := 0
LastInvAlacrity := 0
LastInvEMP := 0

; If available, read the hotkeys from the .ini file created from the last run. This will
; load all your original hotkeys so that they will not be set every time.
If FileExist('Invoker.ini') {
IniRead, Quas, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Quas
IniRead, Wex, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Wex
IniRead, Exort, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Exort
IniRead, Invoke, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Invoke
temp := % Spell%A_Index%
IniRead, temp, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, %temp%
HotKey, %Wex%, WexPress
HotKey, %Invoke%, InvokePress
} else {

Loop 5 {
IfExist,% CommonPath%A_Index%;If found in one of those locations, skip the GUI.
If (Common = 1) {
Goto ButtonOK
Gui, Add, Edit, w400 vCustomPath, Please paste the path to your CustomKeys.txt here, then press OK or (Alt+O).
Gui, -Theme;Asks user for the path to their CustomKeys.txt
return;Prevents the Auto-execute of the rest of the script.
GuiClose:;If the users closes the window, prevents duplicate controls being created.

Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy;Checks the specified Location, if false, returns to the GUI.
CheckExist = 1
MsgBox, %CustomPath%CustomKeys.txt does not exist.`nPlease try again and input the proper path.
Gui, Add, Edit, w400 vCustomPath, Please paste the path to your CustomKeys.txt here, then press OK or (Alt+O).
Gui, -Theme
} else {;If True, Imports the entire file into a string, then parses the string to find the values
FileRead, CustomInfo, %CustomPath%CustomKeys.txt;relating to Quas, Wex, and Exort.
StringGetPos, StartNumber, CustomInfo, Invoker (Kael)
MsgBox, Your CustomKeys.txt file does not contain Invoker HotKeys.`nGo to www.dotakey.com and download Customkeys.txt or generate your own.
StringGetPos, EndNumber, CustomInfo, Necro'lic (Visage)
InvokerInfo := SubStr(CustomInfo, StartNumber, Length)
StringGetPos, StartWex, InvokerInfo, HotKey=, L5
StringGetPos, StartExort, InvokerInfo, Hotkey=, L8
StringGetPos, StartInvoke, InvokerInfo, Hotkey=, L11
val := 2 * A_Index + 15
Start%A_Index% := temp
StartQuas += 8
StartExort += 8
Loop 10 {
temp += 8
Wex := SubStr(InvokerInfo, StartWex, 1)
Invoke := Substr(InvokerInfo, StartInvoke, 1)
temp := % Start%A_Index%
temp := % Spell%A_Index%
StringLower, Quas, Quas
StringLower, Exort, Exort
Loop 10 {
StringLower, temp, temp
Hotkey, %Quas%, QuasPress, On;Turns the HotKeys On
Hotkey, %Exort%, ExortPress, On
HotKeysEnabled = 1;Tells the user what their HotKeys are.
IniWrite, %Quas%, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Quas;Writes their HotKey configuration into an .ini file for easier access.
IniWrite, %Wex%, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Wex
IniWrite, %Exort%, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Exort
IniWrite, %Invoke%, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, Invoke
temp := % Spell%A_Index%
IniWrite, %temp%, %A_WorkingDir%Invoker.ini, HotKeys, %name%
MsgBox, Your Hotkeys are as Follows.`nQuas = %Quas%`nWex = %Wex%`nExort = %Exort%`nPress Shift+Capslock once you learn Invoke lvl 2.
;;#################### Assign HotKeys to each of Invoker's Spells ###################################
#ctrls = 10 ;How many Hotkey controls to add (1 for each spell = 10).
Gui, Add, Text, x30,% HotKey%A_Index%
IniRead, savedHK%A_Index%, Invoker.ini, HotKeys, %A_Index%, %A_Space%
If savedHK%A_Index% ;Check for saved hotkeys in INI file.
Hotkey,% savedHK%A_Index%, Label%A_Index% ;Activate saved hotkeys if found.
StringReplace, noMods, savedHK%A_Index%, ~ ;Remove tilde (~) and Win (#) modifiers...
StringReplace, noMods, noMods, #,UseErrorLevel ;They are incompatible with hotkey controls (cannot be shown).
Gui, Add, Hotkey, x10 vHK%A_Index% gLabel, %noMods% ;Add hotkey controls and show saved hotkeys.
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x+10 vCB%A_Index% Checked%ErrorLevel%, Use Win;Add checkboxes to allow the Windows key (#) as a modifier...
Gui, Show,Invoker HotKeys

If %A_GuiControl% in +,^,!,+^,+!,^!,+^! ;If the hotkey contains only modifiers, return to wait for a key.
num := SubStr(A_GuiControl,3) ;Get the index number of the hotkey control.
If (HK%num% != ') { ;If the hotkey is not blank...
If CB%num% ;If the 'Win' box is checked, then add its modifier (#).
If !RegExMatch(HK%num%,'[#!^+]') ;If the new hotkey has no modifiers, add the (~) modifier.
HK%num% := '~' HK%num% ;This prevents any key from being blocked.
If (HK%num% = savedHK%A_Index%) { ;Check for duplicate hotkey...
Loop,4 {
GuiControl,% 'Disable' b:=!b, HK%dup% ;Flash the original hotkey to alert the user.
GuiControl,HK%num%,% HK%num% :=' ;Delete the hotkey and clear the control.
ControlFocus, msctls_hotkey%temp%, Invoker HotKeys
If (savedHK%num% || HK%num%)
setHK(num,INI,GUI) {
Hotkey, %INI%, Label%num%, Off
Hotkey, %GUI%, Label%num%, On
IniWrite,% GUI ? GUI:null, Invoker.ini, Hotkeys, %num%
TrayTip, Label%num%,% !INI ? GUI ' ON':!GUI ? INI ' OFF':GUI ' ON`n' INI ' OFF'

;;########################### Quas Wex and Exort Script ################################33
;; The First Part to my Invoker Script. Whenever the user presses any of their three spells (Quas, Wex and Exort),
;; instead it is pressed 3 times, thus maximizing the potential. It becomes very easy to switch to increased regen,
;; damaged or MS/AS. To prevent accidental usage, Capslock will turn this functionality ON/OFF (when you need to buy
;; items at the shop you only want one of them :P ).
Loop 3 {

Loop 3 {

Loop 3 {

InvokePress:;Basically this is to tell the script that Invoke has been pressed by the user or by me.
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1

;; Press Shift + Capslock to tell the script that Level 2 of Invoke has been leveled up.
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 0) {
SendPlay {Enter}Lvl 2 Invoke Enabled {Tab}{Enter}
Lvl2InvokeEnabled := 0
SendPlay {Enter}Lvl 2 Invoke Disabled {Tab}{Enter}
;;####################### Each of Invoker's Spells ###############################
;################## SUN STRIKE ################
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Exort%%Exort%%Exort%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvSunStrike := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
;################## CHAOS METEOR ##############
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Wex%%Exort%%Exort%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvChaosMeteor := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
;################## FORGE SPIRIT ##############
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Quas%%Exort%%Exort%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvForgeSpirit := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Quas%%Quas%%Quas%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvColdSnap := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Quas%%Quas%%Wex%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1){
LastInvGhostWalk := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Quas%%Exort%%Quas%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvIceWall := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Wex%%Wex%%Exort%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvAlacrity := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
SendPlay, %Quas%%Wex%%Wex%
SendPlay, %Invoke%
If (Invoked >= 1) {
LastInvTornado := InvokePressed
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
} else {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
LastInvEMP := InvokePressed
;################## DEFEANING BLAST ###########
SendPlay, {LAlt Up}{LWin Up}{LShift Up}{LCntrl Up}
If (Lvl2InvokeEnabled = 1) {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
} else {
InvokePressed := InvokePressed + 1
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 200
LastInvDefeaningBlast := InvokePressed

;################### Quit #############################
; Enabled even when Warcraft isn't running or the main screen.
;; Turns HotKeys ON/OFF for a better user experience.
If (HotKeysEnabled = 1) {
Hotkey, %Wex%, WexPress, Off
Traytip, Invoker, Hotkeys Off
HotKeysEnabled = 0;Basic Boolean value to tell the script when HotKeys are enabled/disabled.
Hotkey, %Quas%, QuasPress, On
Hotkey, %Exort%, ExortPress, On
HotKeysEnabled = 1

Thanks to Alvin Avinante for promoting and postulating the GUI used.
I copied a small fraction of code from http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic51428.html as I had no clue how to create an array of hotkeys. Thanks to jaco0646 for posting his code.